
电视剧 泰国 2023

主演:友萨万·塔瓦丕 / 蓝米达·缇拉帕 / 萨米特彭·萨库朋柴 / 素帕芃·玛丽索恩 / 克里斯沙达·苏帕普洛姆 / 琳雅乐·瓦查叻柔斯丽 / 苏拉吾·麦干

导演:Tawan Charujinda


欢迎在线观看《亲爱的女士》,电影小镇手机版第一时间为你提供亲爱的女士的在线观看服务,亲爱的女士讲述了After stealing the key to her mother's safe box, Lalin heads out yuankan.cc to find her biological father, but gets attacked along the way. Here she meets Pi, the owner of Huen Hak Phaeng Farm, whom she had an issue with prior. Chaos ensues when the key to her mother's safe goes missing and she needs to stay at Huean Hak Phaeng Farm to find that key.
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